Play as a Black Hole, You can suck up objects and the bigger the object the bigger you get. You evolve in size. You have to suck up 500 objects to win, but asteroids that cannot be sucked up have been launched to you by NASA, they want to nuke you, survive and get 500 objects to win or lose to asteroids.

Controls - W, A, S, D for moving. Space to fly upwards and shift to go downwards, To unleash your power click on L for destroying the asteroids near you but with a 10 second cooldown.

(This game is incomplete for the BYOG game jam due to last minute personal events, when we get more time we will finish the game but all for now there is a prototype with moving enemies, sucking up objects, getting bigger, destroying enemies, main menu, movement system but sadly no time to make  a winning system, Have Fun!)

Published 14 days ago
StatusIn development
AuthorKabir Panjwani
GenreSurvival, Simulation
Tagssize, Space